ecourses on burnout
Burnout reversal through learning
Tackling burnout can be really challenging - especially on your own
These short courses take only a few hours to complete.
They kickstart the process of facing up to burnout.
These short courses take only a few hours to complete.
They kickstart the process of facing up to burnout.
Course 1
10 reasons burnout is hard to face
and what to do about them Burnout has some unfortunate aspects that mean it is often underestimated, ignored, buried, denied or resisted. This ensures burnout can linger, repeat or plummet into significant ill health.
Understanding the reasons why burnout is so difficult to face up to can really aid in its' reversal. Some aspects of burnout are almost self perpetuating (thus making it increasingly hard to tackle burnout as it progresses). Grasping this really helps to facilitate facing up to burnout.... the first step in seeing burnout off. |
This online course is on preorder and won't go live until May 27th
Limited places so sign up now
Limited places so sign up now
Course 2
10 ways people use to fix burnout, why these fail... and what does work
The internet is full of advice for burnout. The challenge is that the contributing factors are slightly different for each person and the precise mix of measures to eliminate it will also be different.
In this course we cover common ways that burnout reversal is attempted yet all too often leave the person still suffering with burnout ( or it ebbs but comes back) We explain why many methods to reduce burnout.... fail, whether they have any place and what works best. |
This online course is on preorder and won't go live until May 27th
Limited places so sign up now
Limited places so sign up now